The Thieves Line

Legend has it that in the 15th-century, French authorities offered leniency to a group of thieves in exchange for their secret aromatic mixture. Their formulation of powerful botanicals was believed to protect them while they pillaged communities.

Centuries later, we know that their secret blend of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals contained powerful, naturally derived constituents that may have protected this band of bandits. Legend or no, Thieves® Vitality™ and our plethora of Thieves products, with the powerful essential oils of LemonCloveCinnamon BarkEucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary, provide both wellness support and the power to care for your home without synthetics or harsh chemicals.

The Premium Starter Kit

Enroll with the ultimate Young Living product and business experience! An extraordinary value that offers a comprehensive introduction to the power of essential oils, the Premium Starter Kit is the perfect option for those who are serious about transforming their lives.

The PSK comes with 12 oils (Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon Vitality, Peppermint Vitality, Stress Away, Raven, Citrus Fresh, Thieves Vitality, PanAway, Peace and Calming, Valor and DiGize Vitality), a diffuser and a bunch of other oily goodies including NingXia Red, Thieves Cleaner, and Thieves Hand Sanitizer! BEST DECISION EVER!

Oil of the month: Peppermint

How Much?
It takes 1 pound of raw peppermint to make a 15ml bottle

Where in the World?
The peppermint plant is Native to Europe but the US is responsible for 75% of the world’s supply

Sweet Treats
Add a few drops of peppermint oil to your favorite recipe for a minty treat!

Post Workout
Peppermint oil feels amazing on the body post work out! Rub on muscles with a little carrier oil!

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